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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Prayer of St. Euphrosyne

Prayer of St. Euphrosyne / Smaragdus of Alexandria

Merciful God, who looks not with outward eyes but discerns the heart of each: we confess that those whom we love the most are often strangers to us.  Give to all parents and children, we pray, the grace to see one another as they truly are and as You have called them to be.  All this we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our only mediator and advocate.  Amen.

Hymn to St. Euphrosyne of Alexandria

Desiring the life on high and forsaking all earthly pleasures, you lived as a man among men, O Euphrosyne.  For the sake of Christ your Bridegroom, you spurned earthly betrothal!  As an ascetic you hid your womanhood and your falling-asleep was an amazement, O Euphrosyne.  Though a woman, you toiled as a man, and by your prayers you save those who honour you! 

 Feast Day is January 1st.

St. Euphrosyne, aka: Euphrosyna / Smaragdus.


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