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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Prayer of St. Euphrosyne

Prayer of St. Euphrosyne / Smaragdus of Alexandria

Merciful God, who looks not with outward eyes but discerns the heart of each: we confess that those whom we love the most are often strangers to us.  Give to all parents and children, we pray, the grace to see one another as they truly are and as You have called them to be.  All this we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our only mediator and advocate.  Amen.

Hymn to St. Euphrosyne of Alexandria

Desiring the life on high and forsaking all earthly pleasures, you lived as a man among men, O Euphrosyne.  For the sake of Christ your Bridegroom, you spurned earthly betrothal!  As an ascetic you hid your womanhood and your falling-asleep was an amazement, O Euphrosyne.  Though a woman, you toiled as a man, and by your prayers you save those who honour you! 

 Feast Day is January 1st.

St. Euphrosyne, aka: Euphrosyna / Smaragdus.


Prayer to St. Buonfiglio Monaldi

O Lord Jesus Christ, Who, to honour the memory of the sorrows of Thy most holy Mother, did through seven blessed Fathers enrich Thy Church with a new family of her Servants: mercifully grant that we may be so linked in fellowship to them in their sorrows, as to share also in their joys: Who lives and reigns. Amen.

His Feast Day is January 1st.

aka: Bonfilio Monaldo

One of the Seven Founders of the Servants of Mary.

Patron saint of Foligno, Italy.

The Seven Founders of Servites:

These seven men, Buonfiglio dei Monaldi (Bonfilius), Giovanni di Buonagiunta (Bonajuncta), Amadeus of the Amidei (Bartolomeus), Ricovero dei Lippi-Ugguccioni (Hugh), Benedetto dell’ Antella (Manettus), Gherardino di Sostegno (Sostene), and Alessio de’ Falconieri (Alexius), were born in Florence, Italy. They lived as hermits on Monte Senario, and were devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

St. Basilius (Basil) of Ancyra Prayer

Your holy martyr Basil, O Lord, through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God.  For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, and shattered the powerless boldness of demons.  Through his intercessions, save our souls.  Amen. 

(St. Basilius' feast day is January 1st.) 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

St. Agatha Chaplet

Patron saint of nurses and breast cancer.

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Begin with:
Oh St. Agatha, who withstood the unwelcome advances from unwanted suitors, and suffered pain and torture for your devotion to Our Lord, we celebrate your faith, dignity, and martyrdom.  Protect us against rape and other violations, guard us against breast cancer and other afflictions of women, and inspire us to overcome adversity.  Oh St. Agatha, virgin and martyr, mercifully grant that we who venerate your sacrifice, may receive your intercession. Amen.   
St. Agatha, pray for us.
On each set:
Our Father
Glory Be

St. Colette Chaplet


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Begin with:
Blessed be the hour in which our Lord Jesus Christ, God and Man was born. Blessed be the Holy Spirit by whom he was conceived. Blessed be the glorious Virgin Mary of whom the Incarnate Word was born.      May the Lord hear our prayers through the intercession of the glorious Virgin Mary and in memory of that most sacred hour in which the Incarnate Word was born, that all our desires may be accomplished for your glory and our salvation.  O good Jesus! O Jesus our Redeemer, do not abandon us as our sins deserve, but hear our humble prayer and grant what we ask through the intercession of the most blessed Virgin Mary and for the glory of your Holy name. Amen.
On each small bead:
As God pleases As God wills.
Conclude with:
Let us praise the Father in his mercy and the Son by his passion and the Holy Spirit the fountain of peace and sweetness and love. Amen, amen without recall!

St. Dismas Chaplet, the Good Thief

This chaplet is taken from, and based on, the conversation between Jesus and the Good Thief, Dismas, as it is reported in Luke 23:35.

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1st Set:
O St. Dismas, we come to you for God's Guidance, now that we are your Brothers/Sisters in Christ Jesus. Pray for us from your heavenly post, that we may believe and receive God's Grace, thus becoming true to your "call from The Cross:" to have a Holy Fear of God.
Our Father ... 

Hail Mary ... 
Glory Be ...
2nd Set:
Pray for me, that I too, will have the heartfelt courage to rebuke my fellow Brothers/Sisters for not fearing God, while acknowledging my own guilt and helpless state.
Our Father ... 

Hail Mary ... 
Glory Be ...
3rd Set:
Pray that I willingly concede my need for repentance and restorative justice. Just as you confessed faith in the innocence of Christ Jesus, help me to confess my need for faith, hope, charity/love, and truth in Jesus and in the Catholic Church.
Our Father ... 

Hail Mary ... 
Glory Be ...
4th Set:
Pray that I learn to give Catholic witness of Jesus as my Lord, and to proclaim my faith in the triumph of God's Kingdom over my past, present, and future actions.
Our Father ... 

Hail Mary ... 
Glory Be ...
5th Set: 
Pray that I undergo forgiveness and mercy from Our Lord Jesus and that I will clearly experience heartfelt sorrow for my sins and my hurt-filled actions, never to do them again.
Our Father ... 

Hail Mary ... 
Glory Be ...
6th Set:
We ask you now, Inspired St. Dismas, to pray that we will always be proud to proclaim ourselves as true Brothers and Sisters in and for your holy bravery; and that we too, at the last hour, may hear the words Our Lord spoke: "Amen I say to you, this day you will be with Me in Paradise."
Our Father ... 

Hail Mary ... 
Glory Be ...

Chaplet of St. Florian

Composed by Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston.

The Chaplet of Saint Florian is prayed on three sets of three beads and the medal of St. Florian.
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Begin with:
Dear God, through the intercession of our patron, Saint Florian, have mercy on the souls of our comrades who have made the supreme sacrifice in the performance of their duty, and on all who have gone before us after years of faithful discharge of their responsibilities which now rest on ourselves.  Give us Grace to prepare each day for our own summons to Your tribunal of justice.  Into Your hands O Lord, I commend my spirit. Wherever You call me, I am ready to go.  Merciful Father of all men, save me from all bodily harm, if it be Your will, but above all, help me to be loyal and true, respectful and honorable, obedient and valiant.
Thus fortified by virtue, I shall have no fear, for I shall then belong to You and shall never be separated from You.  Amen.
For each set:
Our Father...
Hail Mary...  
Glory be...